Sports Premium

Sport and Physical Activities at Woodchurch Road. 

A Central Government initiative has been introduced to improve the quality of P.E. and sports in Schools. Currently at Woodchurch Road Academy we have allocated the funds to improving resources, and hopefully in the future we will have even more involvement with our local schools. We will also use the money to take part in competitions and provide any transport needed. We have allocated some of the funds to staff training.

Use of PE and Sports Grant 2020-2021

Use of Primary PE and Sport Premium 2021-2022  

Use of Primary PE and Sports Premium 2022-2023                                         


Swimming is an important skill and a compulsory part of the PE curriculum.

At the end of 2022/23 80% of children in Year 6 could competently, confidently and proficiently swim over a distance of at least 25 metres.

71% could use a range of strokes effectively

89% performed safe self-rescue in different water-based situations