Year 1 Crew
Welcome everyone to our Y1 crew. We hope you are ready to enjoy and be part of the exciting curriculum we have planned for Y1.
Our Year 1 teachers are; Miss Claire McGivern (Monday-Wednesday)
Our Learning Coaches are Mrs Gemma Simmons, Mrs Kelly Risnes (Monday-Wednesday), Mrs Sheree Sutton.
In English we build upon the outstanding work our children did in FS2 with our writing program called ‘Ready, Steady, Write’ which links high quality texts with writing. The books which we are focusing on this year are; Old Bear, Rapunzel, Hermelin, Where the Wild Things Are, The Secret of Black Rock and The Last Wolf.
Reading is a real focus and priority in our school. We follow the exceptional Read Write Inc. phonics scheme from Foundation 2 to Year 2. The children will work in a supportive small group phonic lesson every morning. During this time, the children will also read a book matched to their phonics lesson.
At the end of Year 1, all children have to complete the phonics screening check. The phonic screening check will commence the week beginning Monday 10th June 2024. The children will read a list of real and non-real(alien) words to assess their decoding skills. Children can play phonics games at home to help them such as, and
The children’s reading books sent home will be matched to their current phonic levels. We ask that children read every night to improve pace, fluency and develop a real love of reading from an early age. Any reading at home can be recorded in the home-school reading logs provided and brought into school to share with the teacher each day. Please can the book bag with log and reading book be brought in every day.
As reading is a priority, we are also using a new, daily shared reading program called ‘Steps to Read’. During these lessons we will learn reading strategies and skills, comprehension skills and how to refer to the text. Some of the texts we will focus on are: The Teddy Robber by Ian Beck, Lost in the Toy Museum by David Lucas and Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne.
In maths, we continue to teach using ‘Maths No Problem’. Y1 crew will be focusing on learning about numbers and place value to 10 and learning to recall number facts to 5 and 10. The children will also engage in addition and subtraction of numbers within 10 and solving word problems. As the year progresses we will be learning multiplication and division alongside measurement, shape and position and direction. All children have access to ‘TT Rock Stars’. Please do not hesitate to contact our staff if you need login details for your child. Additionally in KS1, we use Maths Mastery to consolidate number and recall.
A new and exciting curriculum for science and some foundation subjects has been introduced across the school and the Y1 crew will learn about a whole host of wonderful and exciting topics, I am sure you will hear all about it at home.
We follow a whole school Jigsaw approach to PSHE and RE to support children in developing a strong sense of community and belonging.
PE for Year 1 crew is Monday and Friday. Children are required to wear the agreed PE kits on these days, please have appropriate footwear, especially for winter months.
For a more detailed look at our curriculum, please look at our long-term map and weekly timetable.
Our door is always open and Year 1 staff are more than happy to support you with any questions or queries that you may have.
Let’s work together!
1 X RE 1 X Music 2 x PE 1 x Jigsaw CUSP – Art, History, Geography, Science, DT, Computing on a weekly rotational basis